LADAM AGM and Members Evening
Tuesday 12th November saw us back at Fosse Riders for our AGM and Members evening. The important elements of the AGM were quickly run through, with Zoe Eastwell continuing as Chair for a further year, Bill Morris agreeing to do a final year as Club Secretary and Steve Moore also continuing as Treasurer.
Steve took us through the accounts, which are healthy and show that the Club has spent money this year on new Observers vests, the LADAM Teasure Hunt and various other sundries.
Zoe then took everyone through the highlights on the year, talking through Group Rides, the Loire Valley tour, the various skills days and the LADAM Treasure Hunt. It’s always good to look back on achievements and we’ve had a very active year. A presentation from Wayne Lord on his LADAM journey was followed by an introduction to off roading from Bill.
A snapshot of responses to the members survey had been collated by Mike, who talked through each question and some of the comments from members. Overall, it’s going well, but there are some areas for improvement. A full report and action plan will be published in the New Year.
Thanks to everyone who came and contributed. It was great to hear such positive feedback, but also some constructive action points.